Meet the Team: Kelley Orenshaw

Welcome to our Meet the Team interview with Kelley Orenshaw, offering insights into a life filled with unique experiences and a touch of humor. Matt delves into Kelley’s childhood memories and quirky habits in this conversation. Join us for an enjoyable exploration of Kelley’s anecdotes and perspectives.

Matt: Ready?

Kelley: Yeah, you.

Matt: Okay, what is your most amusing childhood recollection?

Kelley: My most amusing childhood recollection? Oh my goodness, I thought I… I don’t know. I didn’t think these questions would be so difficult. Um, like the things that I think back and like look on my childhood that I like at least find the most fun and exciting would be like the giant snowstorms we had in the area and building like the super giant Forts and stuff on the, um, ’cause I grew up on a farm. We would plow everything into these massive snow forts, and I have siblings that are six and eight years older than me, so they would do all the hard part of it. But then I would get to go in afterwards and, you know, be a little kid and play around. And those are more, I guess, fondly looked at amusing memories. That’s good. That’s good.

Matt: All right, name one unchecked item remaining in your bucket list.

Kelley: Get rich. Working on it.

Matt: Yeah, that’s good. All right, what is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?

Kelley: So, um, my mom always makes this stuff. It’s called junket, and it is actually very good. It’s a vanilla-flavored thing, but the best way to describe it is like a gelatin milk. So, um, we have that pretty frequently at my parents’ house anytime I go over there. Um, it’s one of those every time she introduces it to somebody who’s never had it or hasn’t grown up with it, they’re always a little maybe disgusted by it, but it is really good. Gelatinous milk sounds tasty.

Matt: All right, do mermaids have live babies or lay eggs?

Kelley: They definitely have babies.

Matt: All right, all right. Yeah, 100%. If you’re the one being interviewed, if…

Kelley: No, I stand by that.

Matt: If you could give your childhood self one piece of advice, what would you say?

Kelley: I… me, there’s a lot of things I’d tell myself not to do. Um, I think I would just tell myself to be okay with being who I am and not spend the amount of years I spent trying to fit into molds and be the person I thought I was supposed to be and just be myself. Great answer.

Matt: If you’re feeling down, what’s the simplest thing someone can do for you to cheer you up?

Kelley: Probably like junk food and trashy TV just to decompress, sit back, not have to talk about it or do anything. Just watch it and hang out and just relax. All right, good.

Matt: If you had a magic button on your desk right now that could bring you whatever you wanted, what would you summon?

Kelley: I think I’d summon like a genie so I could just keep that ball rolling. But it’s probably not cheating. I think, but that’s okay. Um, I don’t know. I think I would summon more time. I would… I would just want more time. So there. Good one.

Matt: All right, which website do you most often defer to when you procrastinate?

Kelley: So probably Google because just like the whole website, um, or search engine, I should say because generally when I’m procrastinating, it’s because I’m, uh, either confused about what I’m doing or unsure of something. So I need to Google it and look up a little bit more information about things and’ll do a little bit more data searching. It was a loaded question so that we can block whatever site you go to, the procrastinator, you’re at the office. But I can’t block Google. So perfect.

Matt: What old person habits do you have? Name one or two.

Kelley: I… um, old person habits. Where did these questions come from? Oh, my goodness. 

Matt: Um, if you don’t have an answer, we can skip it, keep things moving. 

Kelley: But I would say I… I’m just a planner. So I lay everything out, get everything out the night before, so it’s all prepared in the morning, so that I’m not worried or stressed out and planning things. And all my clothes are all laid out and packed already. So it’s a… it’s a thing. Or not. I wear slippers around the house. I mean, that’s a must though. You have to. Yeah, I know, but it seems… my kids bust on me. 

Matt: All right, do you have a dog?

Kelley: I do.

Matt:  Okay, good. Because I can use this question. What’s one thing your dog could say that would completely ruin your image if he could talk?

Kelle: Oh, that dog knows way too much about me. It’s a great question. Ruin my image. Oh my goodness. It’s not fair. She would probably just tell everybody kind of what a mess I am 95% of the time. Not organized at all. 

Matt: So we had a backup just in case you didn’t have a dog, and I… I love it. So I have to ask it. So you get a bonus question. What’s the worst tagline you can think of for a wart remover removal cream company tagline?

Kelley: Oh, I mean, so it’s got to be something like taggy like, um, it’s so snarly. Um, Taggies be gone. I don’t know, like that’s a good one. Taggies be gone.

Matt: Kelley, thanks so much for being a great sport. Welcome to Pegasus Technologies. We look forward to just spending the future with you and having you continue to grow up with the company as we continue to grow. Have a great day, everybody.


And that wraps up our conversation with Kelley. From childhood snow forts to unconventional snacks, the interview provides a glimpse into Kelley’s life.

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