The Best Data Backup Strategy: Local Backup or Cloud Backup?

The amount of data that we create on a daily basis is staggering. In fact, we create more digital data every two days than we did from the beginning of time up until the year 2003! This large amount of vital data requires that we be vigilant and judicious about protecting it.

If your business does not have a data backup strategy in place then you could be at risk for a catastrophe. We’ve put together this article to give you a little more information on how you can backup your data and the best way to do so. Read on to learn more!

Why Do I Need a Backup Strategy?

At the rate at which businesses acquire and create new data, even losing a few days of work can be monumental. If you haven’t given much thought to how and where your data is being backed up, then you need to change that as soon as possible. Even if your equipment is new, it can still fail, corrupting or erasing your data.

Other threats include hackers or physical loss like fire. That’s why it’s important to have multiple backups in different locations to give your data the best chance for survival when something goes wrong.

What is a Local Backup?

The simplest but most limited option is a local backup. Backing up locally consists of making a copy of your data to a dedicated external hard drive. You can do this manually, but it’s time-consuming, or you can set up a program to periodically back up your files for you.

One of the main advantages of a local backup is that it is inexpensive and does not require an internet connection. Unfortunately, a local backup alone has a far greater number of disadvantages. Since you store your local backup on a physical hard drive in your office, it is susceptible to any physical disaster that your computer is.

If your office burns down, you could lose both your computer and your backup hard drive. You could also lose all your data to a power surge, flood, or burglary. 

What is Cloud Storage?

When you store your files in the cloud, they are backed up almost instantly on a remote server outside of your office. This requires an internet connection, but as long as you have that, the cloud service will save your files to a server with multiple redundancies and they will be available for you to access from anywhere in the world.

With cloud storage, you don’t have to worry about losing your data and you can really focus on doing business.

Get Managed IT Help for Your Cloud Migration

When it comes to backing up your data, we’ve got your back! We would love to help you get a backup strategy in place. We offer cloud migration services to help get your business data secure and to help you have a little peace of mind.

Any one of our talented IT professionals would love to serve you. Contact us today to get started!