3 Reasons to Work With Cybersecurity Monitoring Services

According to IBM, organizations take an average of 277 days to identify and contain security breaches.

If you want to take your company’s cybersecurity seriously, you need to put the proper measures in place to stop cyberattacks before they happen. Identifying cyber threats quickly gives you a fighting chance against the most sophisticated hackers.

The only issue is that cyberattacks don’t stop. If you let your guard down, you can be sure you’ll be vulnerable, which is why cybersecurity monitoring is so important.

Today, we’ll explain three reasons your business should use cybersecurity services. Paying for cybersecurity might not sound frugal to you now, but keep reading, and you’ll understand what it brings.

1. Reduce Downtime

At the top of the post, we mentioned that it takes a long time for organizations to get a handle on a data breach. When a major cyberattack occurs, it means downtime for your business as you scramble to stabilize things.

On top of the financial losses attributed to the actual breach, you also have to account for the loss of productivity as you try to fix it. By hiring a managed IT service to detect and contain threats, you’re actually preventing costly downtime.

2. Help Your Staff

It’s well-documented that most data breaches are due to employee error. Most of the time, this is down to negligence and poor training. If your workers don’t know how to avoid cyber threats, no amount of antivirus software, MFA, or firewalls can prevent an attack.

Hiring cybersecurity services will help you monitor all incoming cyber threats and show your employees the right way to do things. A more informed staff protects your business and your customers’ data.

3. Comply With Regulations

Depending on what your business does and how customers interact with you, there are different cybersecurity regulations you need to comply with. For example, if you process credit cards, you must follow PCI DSS regulations to keep this information safe.

If you take cybersecurity into your own hands, even the most well-intentioned business owners might overlook or misunderstand the regulations. Experienced IT services thoroughly understand the regulations, so they’ll always ensure that you’re doing things the right way.

The obvious benefit is that your customers can trust your cybersecurity process. Beyond that, it protects you from a tarnished reputation and more serious legal implications after a data breach.

Get the Best Cybersecurity Monitoring With Pegasus

There are far more than three reasons to hire a managed IT service for cybersecurity monitoring. These benefits illustrate just how critical cybersecurity is for a business operating in the 21st century. To maximize your benefits, hire the right IT service provider.

Pegasus Technologies is southeast Pennsylvania’s leading managed service provider. For over 15 years, we’ve been preventing cyber threats by helping businesses remain one step ahead of the hackers. Contact us today for a consultation to learn how we can help your business.