The Complete IT Security Compliance Checklist for Your Business

IT security is a major deal in any major business these days. Without it, the danger of an information breach can spell a variety of troubles for the business and its customers.

Making sure you follow IT security compliance is important, but what does that mean? Where does it all come from?

You are secure with Pegasus. We will walk you through the basics of IT security compliance and make sure you are ready to defend yourself. 

The Questions Toward IT Security Compliance

To make sure you are under proper IT security compliance, you will need to review each section of your IT department. Delegate to your managers the below questions. Once you can cover all the ideas, you’ll be compliant in no time.

There can be hundreds of questions covering every individual aspect of your IT department and everyone that interacts with it. 

While we don’t have the time to cover them all in detail, we can go over the basic aspects that every question boils down to. 

1. Management and Policies

The job of management is to ensure that every active policy is in place, that every employee understands the policies, and each policy has undergone tests to show it works.

Management must also have all records of assets and information in a secure location. These items must have an organization so that management can work with them, but have protections so they remain secure. 

2. Employees and Access

Employees must have a wide and comprehensive learning course on all security matters. This includes signs of potential security threats, password management, data on mobile and personal devices, and how to log and organize secure data.

3. Breach Plans and Practices

The company must have a layered and explicit plan for security breaches, data issues, and other security problems. These plans will need practice from all employees involved.

The company must also have recovery plans. This includes backups and alternative data locations. This can also include redundancy and restoration plans. 

4. System Management with IT Staff

The IT staff in particular need layers of plans on protection software, communication lines, and systematic reviews of defenses.

Updating and patching security software, with monitoring for redundancy and efficiency. 

5. Physical Security

For any and all physical servers and computers, the items must have strong password locks and physical security to prevent theft. Physical locks on the computers and limited access to servers and information computers is key.

Building security will need to have an extra focus on the server rooms and employee computer access. This includes security cameras and extra layers of clearance. 

6. Data and Active Monitoring

Data should have several layers of protection. This should include encryption, automatic wiping on stolen drives, cloud server backups, and secure communication like emails. 

As well, every single item on this list must have routine checkups across the board. The time between checkups can vary depending on size, but the checkups themselves should be like clockwork and as thorough as possible. 

Compliance Strengthens Your Business

IT security compliance can be a lot of work for any business, but even missing one section of a security audit can spell some nasty legal troubles for you and your business.

When you need proper security and preparation for potential cyber-attacks, there are few names you can truly trust. We here at Pegasus Technologies are proud of our managed IT solutions. Need more convincing? Contact us today!