3 Tips on How to Prevent Different Types of Phishing Scams

Each year, millions of Americans have their personal information stolen by cyber-criminals. Hackers use everything from viruses to phishing scams to obtain the information they need to infiltrate a network.

With all of the different phishing scams on the market, it is becoming increasingly difficult to avoid them. Getting answers on how to prevent phishing will require a bit of research and some professional guidance.

The following are just some of the things you can do to avoid falling victim to a phishing scam.

1. Know How to Identify Spam

The first thing you need to do when trying to avoid spam is to avoid opening emails from unknown senders.

Any time you are asked to confirm your personal or financial online, you need to verify the legitimacy of the entity asking for this confirmation. Often times, hackers will send out threatening emails stating that a person owes money and they need to resolve it to avoid legal action.

Instead of letting these emails upset you, take a step back and look at the big picture. No legitimate financial institution is going to send out emails to settle debts. Being able to recognize these scams is essential when attempting to keep your personal information safe.

2. Don’t Click Links or Download Files From Unknown Entities

If you receive an email from an unknown sender with links or files in it, avoid clicking or downloading these materials. Usually, these links and files will be filled with viruses, malware, and keylogging software.

The keylogging programs allow hackers to see what your passwords and usernames are. This means they can get into everything from your email to your online bank account.

Investing in a virus scanning program is a great way to weed out harmful links and files. Consulting with an IT professional is the best way to get some guidance regarding which software to invest in.

3. Learning How to Prevent Phishing Scams Requires You to Avoid Pop-Ups

One of the most effective techniques used by hackers in phishing scams is pop-ups. If you are on an unsecured site and are suddenly presented with a pop-up, you need to exit the site immediately.

Hackers also use fake websites that resemble legitimate domains to trick consumers. Most of these fake sites will ask for highly sensitive information, which should be a big red flag.

Generally, consumers are presented with these fake sites when they do things like copy web addresses or click links in a pop-up. Luckily, most web browsers have a pop-up blocker, which can help to keep you safe while navigating the web.

Seek Out Professional Guidance

If you are looking for information on how to prevent phishing scams, you may need to seek out the help of an IT professional. These professionals will be able to breakdown cyber-security in an easy to understand way.

Looking for help with your IT needs? If so, contact us now for information on how we can help.