What Is Mobile Device Integration? A Guide for Businesses

In the last ten years, the number of Americans who own a smartphone has increased from 35% to 85%! The world is going digital at a rapid pace, and people expect to be able to do anything from their mobile devices.

If your business is lagging behind in mobile device integration, you may be leaving money on the table and becoming stagnant as a workplace. To continue to grow your business and remain relevant, being mobile-friendly is more important than ever.

Continue reading to learn more about mobile device integration, why it’s important, and how you can integrate your business.

What Is Mobile Device Integration?

Years ago, most business functions had to be done in a specific location. Work was completed in a specific office, on a specific computer connected to a specific server.

Similarly, your customers had to go to your place of business or call your office to get anything done. Everything was tethered to a specific location at specific times.

But things have changed dramatically in the last decade. With the rapid increase in people who use mobile devices and the birth of the cloud, people are no longer tethered to place or time in the way we used to be.

For your business, mobile device integration means stepping into the 21st century and ensuring that your employees and customers can use their mobile devices for whatever they need.

Why Does It Matter to Your Business?

If your business is integrated for mobile, your customers can use their devices seamlessly for anything they need to do. Whether booking an appointment, paying a bill, or speaking with technical support, people expect to be able to do it all on their mobile devices. If you’re not offering this option to your customers, they’ll find another business that does.

Mobile integration also means optimized workflow and more freedom for your staff. With 72% of the workforce preferring a hybrid of remote and in-office work, staying competitive and keeping your team happy is essential.

Employees can access any company tools or files through the cloud and complete their work from any location. Again, more workers are coming to expect this from their employers. If you don’t offer it as an option, potential employees will find work elsewhere.

Mobile integration also means that you can hire the most qualified candidates, even if they’re not in your immediate area. In the past, businesses were limited to prospects or people willing to move to the area. When integrated for mobile, you can interview and hire anyone worldwide!

How Can You Integrate Your Business?

At this point, mobile device integration is becoming a necessity. Cloud-based software and easy-to-use apps can make all the difference to the survival of your business.

Contact us today to speak with someone on our expert team. We’ll answer any questions and help you transition your business infrastructure to the cloud.

Pegasus Technologies is the IT Team for organizations that don’t need a full-time IT department. Our technology experts build you a technology plan to keep your business running at its best. We have offices in Kennett Square, PA, Media, PA, and Wayne, PA to provide better computer support and IT services to you.